Heart & Soul Readings
greenwood tarot
My Soul Readings take you on a journey to the heart of your Self. I use my clairvoyance and connection to Spirit to guide clients into their soul to find the true question that is arising in the present moment for guidance and healing. We navigate through the unfolding story of the cards which are signposts that guide us into your question and always reflect back your true authenticity to feel into the truth of your heart. My sessions aim to get deeper into your emotions and subconscious to uncover the blocks to your awareness and inability to see the truth for yourself. Clients come away feeling deeply seen and find healing and relief in this sacred space we create together. Tarot can be a deep and insightful gateway into the subconscious.
The rare and valuable Greenwood Tarot I use is the original deck of pre-Celtic Shamanism and through it's powerful archetypal symbols of nature it partners well with the realm of eco-psychology where I combine my shamanic practice, clairvoyance and heart centered counseling skills in each session.
Heart & Soul Readings $125- $150 sliding scale
“The readings with my sister and I have had quite an impact on the both of us. What you did was incredibly amazing. We both can’t thank you enough for helping us. Thank you!”
“Our reading showed me what I’ve been denying and avoiding seeing for myself. I know what I need to do now to make a life-changing decision. Deep Gratitude”
Based on the seasonal rhythms and festivals of the ancient Wheel of the Year, The Greenwood Tarot draws its inspirations from the pre-Celtic mythology, ecology and the shamanic mysteries. Wood land was seen by our primordial ancestors as a conscious, living entity, embodying a host of protective deities and archetypes, such as the The Green Man and Green Woman, The Blasted Oak, The Magician. Over time these woodland archetypes have become an integral part of our legend and folklore, as the original Robin Hood tales, the Arthurian cycles and even aspects of Christian theology demonstrate.
The Greenwood Tarot places these mystical archetypes into a simple, nature-based tarot system which is rich in shamanic wisdom and alive with forest lore. The arcana act as both guides and interpreters, taking you on a spiritual mystical and psychological journey deep into the labyrinth of primal earth mysteries and Jungian archetypes. Used a s a meditation system, a divination oracle or as a reference work for the seeker of profound esoteric knowledge. The Greenwood Tarot will draw you into the warm , nurturing cradle of the forest and an enable you to realize your interconnectedness both with others and with the planet.