Wilding my Soul - Shamanic practices training 2025-26
Journey on The Golden Path of Shamanic Way
Seven Spiral Initiation with the Seasons and Elements of Creation
Starting September 27th-28th, 2025
(Saturday’s 5:00-8:00pm, Sundays 9:30-5pm PDT ~ ONLINE ZOOM)
*This course is now being offered online!
Deepen your hearts calling into the roots and branches of the Tree of Life ~ Cultivate your awareness of the wisdom and beauty from Nature ~ Listen to the voice of Spirit through the veil of time ~ Receive messages of healing from Ancestors and Spirit Guides ~ Walk the path of your True Belonging ~ Remember your place in the web of life on the Golden Path of Shamanic Way.
Join me for 7 weekends through the seasons of the year for a deep dive into the forgotten wisdom of our ancestors. We are each living with the forgotten memory of belonging in our dna. Our modern materialist culture does not satisfy the depths of this need. But through the shamanic path we befriend our souls longing and learn to hear the communication that comes from nature and spirit to sustain us.
Shamanic practices are rising up again as the Voice of Earth trembles and roars her song through the din of our modern distractions “Wake up my children! Come home to the Beauty Way that remembers all life and the web that interconnects us. The time is now to Kneel and Feel what is Real.” Every culture through time had a shamanic way that revered nature through sacred reciprocity and ceremony. We will practice to Re-memeber these ways from our indigenous past, ways that can have both spiritual and practical applications. We will receive direct revelations unique to our own ancestral inheritance and the evolution of our time.
Core to our curriculum: Befriending the magical Elements of Creation, Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Ether | Reweaving the Spiral of Seasons and Medicine Wheel into Consciousness | Connecting to the Seasonal Sacred Portals of the Turning Year | Accessing our Guides, Guardians and Ancestors - Spirit Team | Exploring the Lower, Middle and Upper extraordinary realms, the Sacred Tree of Life | Mapping the architecture and navigation of our Journeys | Energy Protection practices and Healing Tools for self and others including Power and Soul Retrieval, Entity Extractions, Cord Removal | 3 Bonus Moon Mna Goddess and Celtic Seasonal Holyday Transmissions
The Heroine’s Journey of Self Healing, will be the foremost honorable aspect of our journey. Walking the Wisdom Path of Becoming with Integrity, Humility, Honesty, Empathy, Self Responsibility, Shadow Awareness and Impeccability is our foundation. As we Heal Ourselves we Heal Mother Earth.
The Curriculum is direct from my shamanic teachers in Ireland plus other Wise Ones I've studied with including my years of practice and Spirit Team. The Celtic Druid tradition will be strongly emphasized but we will also delve into cross cultural practices and the wisdom of Star Elders to create our own unique rainbow bridge with Spirit.
I am called to guide people home to their own innate Belonging. To discover the light within and the divine guidance that is your birthright.
Course Details
Learn about the history of shamanism and it's varied stylistic practices around the world, especially the indigenous earth honoring Celtic tradition.
Learn the Medicine of the 4 Directions; South, West, North, East and the Sacred Elements, Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Ether and how to heal with each
Learn the fundamental practice of Shamanic Journeying to the upper and lower worlds for insight, wisdom and healing
Connect with your Spirit Guides
Connect with your Power Animals
Deepen the relationship to your higher path and purpose
Learn the importance of integrating body and spirit, earth and sky
Heal your genetic and spiritual ancestral memory through shadow clearing
Learn how to use feathers, crystals, drumming and rattling for healing
Learn how to communicate with nature for wisdom and empowerment
And many more insights and teachings as received directly from Spirit
Each weekend we will cover a different direction and element connected to the sacred seasonal portal. Saturday eve’s we will have teaching and journeying to connect with the medicine. Sunday’s will be instruction, journaling practices and explorations of healing techniques. You will deepen your understanding of shamanic practices and learn how to live the Beauty Way on your own. You will discover a deeper connection to your ancestors and what issues are still needing to be met and healed through you.
Best outcomes for growth will be a result of one’s personal commitment and responsibility. This is a CALLING from Spirit to develop your connection to Divine Guidance and surrender to the unfolding mystery. A teacher can only point you in the direction but we must take our own steps on the path. The Journey of Discovery, of Becoming, of Reclaiming our Soul Skin is ours alone to walk the Labyrinth on the path of Sovereignty.
*I will be available to each student for complimentary consultations and private sessions for the duration of the course.
The earth is calling us to remember that we are part of her, interconnected in the web of life. Shamanism is a life long devotion and practice in deepening our relationship with the elements and learning their wisdom that supports and guides life. This practice helps us to connect deeply to the great mystery where the magical is real and the real is magical. The result is living every day as sacred, the golden path of the shamanic way. At the conclusion there will be a Nature Quest outing to a sacred place where we will fast, stalk and pray for guidance.
This course guides students into the shamanic earth based wisdom tradition. It will be a deep healing journey preparing you to live an interconnected life and begin to offer healing to others with shamanic practices. Advanced shamanic techniques and practices will be available with more training opportunities in the second year upon completion of this course. When one is called and dedicated to these sacred practices the path is continually unfolding through growth and learning. This will be a significant foundation for your journey.
More information available upon request and interest in the course.
7 Saturday evenings (5:00-8:00) + 7 Sundays (9:30-5:00)
$2300 for entire course Or $345 paid monthly autopay
$100 to reserve your place. Paid by check, cash or to paypal.me/heartlandhealingarts
No drop ins - this is a closed course for full immersion from start to completion. All weekends must be completed to receive your Shamanic Practitioner Certificate.
**Also consider joining a Sacred Ireland Journey group tour to Ireland for ancestral land integration and healing. Immerse yourself in the Magic and Mystery of ancient sacred sites around the country. Meet the people and places holding your own indigenous ancestral memory. For more information click here Sacred Land Journeys .
“I cannot sing praises loud enough to convey what an incredible, down-to-earth, real, and full of integrity guide Cara has been. Her genuine approach is rooted in tradition and is alive with the Wisdom of adaptability with place, time, and the individuality of the soul. After completing her Introduction to Shamanism course, I can hardly wait to begin her Celtic Shaman Practitioner course over the next year.
I trust Cara deeply as someone who has integrity and a pure joy for the land and all of its creatures. She is fiercely knowledgeable and deeply generous. Thanks to her guidance I feel I will find my way on this Celtic Shaman path in a way that aligns with my own healing practitioner vision.”
“Cara is an extraordinary guide for anyone wanting to connect with the Celtic Shamanic practice. Not only is she experienced and knowledgeable in the spirals, directions, and healing practices, but she is wise and tender in how she brings you into awareness and connection with a more alive existence. After completion of the first practitioner course, I feel a much deeper relationship to my inner world, soul, and power. I have gained many tools to continue on my personal shamanic path, as well as feel prepared to guide and hold space for others to experience journeys of their own. ”
“Immersing into the Celtic Medicine Wheel with Cara is a transformative experience. This course established a deep spiritual connection not only with my Celtic roots, but with nature and my personal power. Cara’s expansive way of seeing the world opened my eyes to the magical in the (seemingly) mundane. As a shaman, Cara brings relatable wisdom, practical tools, patience, and even play to her teachings. The Celtic Medicine Wheel experience has helped me to enhance my intuitive skills, deepen my practice, and empowered me to step further into my role as an energy healer.”
“Thank you for having crossed paths with both of us. Our experience with the course has been profound. Cara has been a truly amazing teacher, her ability to hold space for us so that we could experience our own healing was powerful. We both remain open to what is yet to come for us. We would recommend your workshops to anyone who would like answers for their growth and alignment! The world needs more teachers like Cara.”
“Taking the Intro to Celtic Shamanism Course with Cara was one of the most transformational experiences of my life. Cara provided us with the tools, knowledge, wisdom and safe space for us to learn and grow our gifts as Shamanic Practitioners. I would highly recommend taking this course if you’d like to enhance your own spiritual journey or if you are looking to begin using these tools to help others. Finding Cara was such a blessing and I cannot wait to continue learning from her!”
“Cara is an extremely gifted and talented practitioner and teacher. Her Introduction to Shamanism course was both informative and experiential. Cara’s knowledge is so expansive and yet she honed it down perfectly to give us the appropriate amount of information for an intro course. I had never journeyed before and being led by her into the realms created amazing openings to new visions which provided awe, insight and self reflection. Cara’s ability to interpret our journeys is a gift that she shared readily and was so helpful to the overall experience. I plan to participate in more classes or sessions with Cara in the future. ”
“Cara’s introduction to Shamanism class is utterly profound and beautiful! As a beginner to Journeying this class was incredible - I came away from each class with deeper reflection, experience and practices. Cara holds sacred space, guides with a light touch and teaches with wisdom and grace. I will most definitely be continuing to study with Cara.”
“I just want to express my heart felt gratitude for the space you’ve created and for inviting me in! The intro to Shamanism course has been such a beautiful experience, it put a name to many ideas I’ve had but didn’t have words for. It has also opened up a world of trust in me, to trust my intuition, to trust the universe, to trust spirit to provide guidance and to listen to that guidance with an open heart. Also, I appreciate that you come from the place of sharing what you have learned but we are also learning together. It such a beautiful space you’ve created, for all of us. ”
“I very much enjoyed this course. I took Cara’s intro course last summer, and was completely blown away by my journeying experiences, and getting back in touch with my spiritual gifts. I was very drawn to learning more, so I continued with the shamanic practitioner’s course. It was interesting and special to me to learn about ancestral traditions from Ireland, especially since I have Celtic ancestry myself. It was so magical learning about the directions, seasons, elements, the sacred trees, spirit animals and goddesses. Also the special days and ceremonies, and sacred sites in Ireland. I loved hearing about Cara’s experiences in Ireland and was enchanted by all of her beautiful photography she shared with us. I also enjoyed Cara’s teaching style. She brings grace, wisdom, humor and excellent listening skills. Even though the course was over Zoom for 7 months, it was still very powerful. I wasn’t sure how it would be practicing healing techniques with the other women online, but it was amazing! We were all able to go deep with each other and shared so much together. It was beautiful to witness each other’s transformation. The vision quest at the end of the course was awesome, and it was so great to finally see everyone in person and spend time together in magical places in nature. It was the perfect wrap up for the course! I definitely recommend this course to anyone who is on a spiritual journey and wants to learn about the beautiful traditions that come from ancient Ireland. For those wanting to learn shamanic healing practices for themselves, or to help others with their healing, this course is a great start. I have the tools now to begin my own shamanic healing practice. It’s a great addition to any healing practice you may already have. I’m looking forward to incorporating shamanic healing into my health coaching practice. Thank you Cara!”