“Healing for the Heart from the Heart”
Rahanni Celestial Healing
What is Rahanni?
Rahanni Celestial Healing is a beautiful 'new' energy healing modality for our modern times of spiritual awakening. This spiritual light technology was given to humanity from our advanced consciousness star elders, to help us rise above our suffering and remember who we are as Divine Beings. It helps to release all fear based ways of thinking and negativity, opening us up to truth, love and compassion. It helps to heal the heart center by eclipsing fear based energy and opening us up to our pure essence which is Love. Rahanni is deeply relaxing and restorative. It is very effective for relieving anxiety and stress and is especially beneficial for young sensitive people with ADHD or anxiety related issues.
What can it help with?
Rahanni can help with many issues such as anxiety, stress, depression, grief, physical pain and illness. The high vibration energy can attune your own energy body back in harmony to release whatever is blocking your flow. It is a quantum healing technology which works outside of our normal sense of time to raise our consciousness to the next level.
Who can it help?
Rahanni can help anyone. It is however very beneficial for highly sensitive people (HSP's), young people or children. Anyone who is sensitive to energy will feel the effects more quickly. As a practitioner I have seen positive evidence based results in dramatically relieving stress and anxiety in young people. It is recommended to have three sessions within two months to effectively shift your energy in a positive direction. After that periodic tune ups are a good way to keep upleveling your life experience.
Rahanni Practitioners and Teacher Training
Rahanni Practitioner Course is available several times a year. You can receive this beautiful attunement and learn to practice Rahanni on yourself and others. It is highly recommended for energy healers to add to your practice as well as for parents who would like take healing your children into your own hands.
Following on you may also choose to become attuned to teach Rahanni. Currently I am the only Practitioner/Teacher in California. There is so much room for growth to spread this divine Lemurian light technology and raise our consciousness back to unconditional love. I encourage you to join me if it calls to you on a soul level.
““Rahanni is a beautiful healing modality and I feel so fortunate to have met Cara and gone through the Level 1 training with her. I had never heard of Rahanni before but once I learned more about it, I realized what a natural fit it is for me. Cara is very high vibe and has a gorgeous healing studio where she held the training. It was a very comfortable and fun learning experience and I felt so blessed to have been called to this work. If you are feeling a nudge to learn more about Rahanni or to work with Cara, trust your intuition and do it! You won’t be disappointed and the world needs more healers to keep stepping forward.” ”
Rahanni energy flows as the divine pink rose ray. The essence of purity and unconditional love
The heart chakra unifies above and below. It is the center of our universe where we rise above separation intoDivine Unity of Love
Raising our consciousness brings us closer to heaven on earth