becoming wild & beautiful
a (r)evolutionary shamanic approach for
healing trauma
Six Wednesdays starting April 9th, 2025
5-8pm pacific - Online Zoom
Eco constellations
“I am the wind that blows across the sea, I am a wave of the deep, I am the roar of the ocean, I am the stag of seven battles, I am a hawk on the cliff, I am a ray of sunlight, I am the greenest of plants, I am the wild boar, I am a salmon in the river, I am a lake on the plain, I am the word of knowledge, I am the point of a spear, I am the lure beyond the ends of the earth, I can shift my shape like a god.”
Become Wild, Beautiful and Free with your Eco Ancestors!
Quantum Oracular Perceptive Fierce Initiatory Transformative Shapeshifting Powerful Wise Cunning Sensitive Perceptive Creative Imaginative
The Song of Amergin is a magical ancient poem from Ireland illustrating that the earliest Celts were immersed in a shamanic consciousness connected to nature. The magic of the seasons of light and inspiration with animals and trees has been recorded in the land and myth blending human identity with all creation. This Celtic worldview still lives today in a deeply spiritual heritage of mystical sentience and connection to the multi-dimensionality of existence. The idea of shapeshifting into other forms to acquire wisdom, empowerment and protection is woven in cultural practice and lore.
Shamanic cultures have always understood that we are part of the web of life, surviving and thriving in consort with the wisdom and power of plant, animal, water, earth, air. But did you know the wild conscious intelligence lives within you!
The primordial intelligence that hold the codes of many different ways of being are alive in you!
Your DNA actually holds the intelligence of 4.5 billion years of evolution!
You are 90% jaguar and 80% wolf!
Your consciousness is more than your brain and body, extending beyond both. In fact, your body is an Oracle for the entire Ecosystem.
Each of us has been born from a female mother womb that goes back and back through millennia, before that, we evolved from primates and before that reptiles, amphibians and single cell organisms in the ocean. These epochs of evolution live in layers of our nervous system and fascia. All of these layers offer great intelligence and power we only need to access and remember.
Becoming Wild - Six week course
Join me for a new 6 week series of journeying into the primordial layers of your nervous system to connect with the Ocean, Reptile, Hunter, Mammal and Star intelligence that lives within your DNA. Accessing our power animals and discovering their powers of instinct and consciousness will bring your wild DNA online offering you a quantum leap in your healing.
Healing our trauma wounds is an essential part of integrating aspects that have been corrupted or broken within our field of intelligence. Self destructive patterns, physical, mental, emotional, are often coping mechanisms that have originated and evolved since childhood as a means to survive harmful environments.
The current scientific paradigm of trauma healing focuses on the polyvagal system which emphasizes a dysregulated nervous system that originated through attachment wounds of a young child. The many modalities, some of which I practice, are profoundly effective in bringing awareness to our early patterns of dissociation.
But what is missing from the current models is something we all know instinctively but haven’t necessarily had the support to access. It is the great vast intelligence of nature and our primordial ancestors! The sympathetic nervous system is innate intelligence to keep us safe. It evolved to save us from danger or death. We can reframe these sensations through the lens of instinctive drives that can be empowering, not just regulated.
When we refer to a disregulated nervous system we are primarily looking at the wounded child - which is the small vulnerable mammal or prey aspect of our being. But we have many other layers like oceanic, reptilian, predator, mammalian and star.
In this special 6 week course we will journey into each of these layers to access our power animals that embody the vast evolutionary and biological wisdom of these different aspects of being; (aquatic) Oracular Knowing, (amphibian) Instinctive Adaptation, (reptile dragon) Shapeshifting Creative Potential, (predator) Fierce Strength Resilience AND (Mammal) Nurturing Connection.
In shamanic practice we heal by remembering our connection to nature, power animals, the elements, plants and trees and through honoring the cycle of seasons and sacred ceremony. The eco-somatic approach is ground breaking because it brings the biological into the story of our evolution and shows us that we are actually much wiser and wilder than we thought!
The practice of fleshing out our eco-constellations is different. It invites each person to discover their innate biological intelligence and embody the powers of these different layers for a somatic magical experience of healing. Through shamanic journeying and meditation we can connect in with each layer and animal that holds this intelligence bringing them out of exile into a conscious constellation of wholeness.
We are remembering the Shamanic embodiment of BEING ONE with Nature as Nature itself. Everyone has this capacity because it’s in our DNA.
becoming the mother tree
Join me in journeying into the layers of your nervous system, into deep time and ancient remembrance of the power of this biological inheritance to empower the parts of yourself that need reinforcement. Healing is not just an endless cycle of trauma triggers and taming the tiger, it’s coming to know that part of you IS actually tiger, dragon, deer and owl!
This concept expands our perception of self as just mammal, as wounded prey of mammalian attachment. Each of us has the stores of wild power, resilience, fortitude and wisdom that give us the potential to be magnificent! A vast power to initiate ourselves into whole, wild, wise elder humans.
Our tree ancestors live in symbiosis interconnected in their roots and mycelium network. One tree usually becomes the anchor tree that provides sustenance to all others. This process of elderhood and individuation is our natural design too. To become the Mother Tree of the forest who is there to resource, protect and nourish the survival of life in the community. All shamanic cultures view the world tree as the apex of the universe. Think of Ewa, the great wise magical tree in Avatar who holds the timeless history and wisdom for survival interconnected in the web of life. We each have this potential within us.
We are Quantum, we are Magical!
Six consecutive weeks on Wednesday eve’s 5-8pm pacific. Starting April 9th, 2025
Shamanic journeying to a different layer of the wild nervous system each week to discover and embody your power animal
Discussion and sharing in a confidential and sacred circle
Time to journal and reflect on your journey experiences
Guided meditation and somatic movement exercises to connect with your power animals
Deeper knowledge of your nervous system and what needs attention, empowerment and healing
A safe circle to encourage and support your healing journey
Energetic exchange is $400-$450 for the series of 6 classes (18 hours of live online connection)
*Experience with shamanic journeying required*
Click the link below to book your place!